Public, Collaborative, Temporary, Socially Engaged [Art/Design]

"Appear, Disappear Reappear" 2023

"Celebrating Leeds" 2019

“What if All the Doors Were Open?” 2016


"Kizomba Role Swap" 2013

"Eyes Open" 2005

"Searching for Truth" 2004
"You Are Here in a Moment" 2004
"Conversations with Smokers" 2004

"Global Fragments" 2002

"OPENPLAN" exhibition 2002

BRAHM Residency 2001

“City Walks” 2001

"The Landau Papers" 2001

“4 Shoppers” CD ROM 2001

"Who's Sleeping?" 2000
"Foxwood Stories" 1999
!["talkin[bout]love" 1998](
"talkin[bout]love" 1998

"Can the Plants Hear You?" 1998

"Points of Departure" 1997

"Oxford Drivers" 1997

"Knowing Looks" 1996

Seaham Beach, County Durham 1996

"Interactive Tour of Mothercare for Men" 1996

"A History of Water" Huddersfield 1995

"Positive Framework" Bradford University 1994

"Hidden Cargo" Liverpool 1994

"Building Site Signs" Manchester 1993